When using native libraries in Java, you’ll sooner or later run into linkage errors. In this blog I will go over the most common cases in which linkage errors can occur.

  1. Linkage error when loading a library
    1a. The incorrect library name is being used
    1b. The java.library.path system property is not set correctly
    1c. OS dependent library loading errors
  2. Linkage error when looking up a symbol in the library
    2a. The library does not contain the function
    2b. The function is not exported
    2c. The wrong library was loaded

1. Linkage error when trying to load a library

The first kind of linkage error we will look at typically manifests itself as an UnsatisfiedLinkError. You might commonly encounter this error when calling System.loadLibrary(String), such as:

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

The error message has the form:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no foo in java.library.path: <list of paths>
        at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(ClassLoader.java:2447)
        at java.base/java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(Runtime.java:809)
        at java.base/java.lang.System.loadLibrary(System.java:1893)
        at Main.main(Main.java:4)

When using System.loadLibrary, this error typically means one of two things:

1a. The incorrect library name is being used
1b. The java.library.path system property is not set correctly

When using System.loadLibrary or System.load, a third kind of errors can be enountered as well:

1c. OS dependent library load errors

1a. The incorrect library name is being used

When calling System.loadLibrary(String) the name of the library that is passed as an argument will be mapped into a file name in a platform-specific manner, and then loaded.

Some common examples are:

  • On Windows, the library name will get the .dll suffix. e.g. foo -> foo.dll.
  • On Linux, the library name will get the lib prefix and the .so suffix. e.g. foo -> libfoo.so.
  • On Mac, the library name will get the lib prefix and the .dylib suffix. e.g. foo -> libfoo.dylib.

So, for instance to load a library file called libfoo.so on Linux, you would have to use


To see how library names are mapped on other platforms, or to see how a particular library name is mapped to a file name, you can call System.mapLibraryName(String).

1b. The java.library.path system property is not set correctly

The library path that was used to look up the library is printed in the exception message (<list of paths> above). It is a list of directories that was used to find the native library. One of those directories should contain the library you’re trying to load.

If the library you’re trying to load is located in another directory, you can set the java.library.path system property to the directory that contains your library using the -Djava.library.path=/path/to/lib VM argument, where multiple directories can be added separated by ; on Windows, and : on other platforms, e.g. -Djava.library.path=/path1:/path2:/path3.

If the error keeps occurring, check the exception message. If it does not contain the library path you expected, you might be passing the command line option as a program argument instead of a VM argument by accident (VM arguments should be passed before the main class), or it could be a problem with missing quotes in the shell you’re using (e.g. powershell requires passing system properties in quotes, such as '-Dmy.prop=val' to avoid being picked up as other syntax).

1c. OS dependent library loading errors

Ultimately, the JVM will have to delegate to the operating system to load a native library. Other kinds of library loading errors can occur in the OS’ own library loading mechanism. While the 1a. and 1b. kinds of errors can only be encountered when using System.loadLibrary, this third kind of error can be encountered when using System.load as well. System.load is different from System.loadLibrary in that it does not depend on the java.library.path property at all, and instead accepts an absolute path to the library file that should be loaded.

OS dependent library loading errors can occur for instance because the library that is being loaded was compiled for the wrong architecture. For example, it is not possible to load a 32-bit library into a 64-bit JVM.

If the native library you’re trying to load has dependencies on other native libraries, then those libraries will be loaded automatically by the operation system’s own library loading mechanism. It is important to understand that the JVM has no control over the loading of library dependencies at all. So, loading of dependencies is for instance not affected by the java.library.path property, but by an OS specific mechanism such as the PATH or LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables. When loading a native library that has dependencies, it is important to understand how OS library loading works, by consulting the OS specific documentation:

2. Linkage error when looking up a symbol

The second kind of linkage error you can commonly run into is thrown when a function in a library can not be found.

For instance, if we extend the previous example program as follows:

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

    static native void bar();

Even if the call to System.loadLibrary succeeds and the library is loaded, calling the function bar might fail:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: 'void Main.bar()'
        at Main.bar(Native Method)
        at Main.main(Main.java:6)

This can have one of 3 causes:

2a. The library that is being used does not contain the function symbol
2b. The function is not exported
2c. The wrong library is being loaded

2a. The library does not contain the function

The JVM will derive the name of the function symbol it looks for from the package, class, and method name. The format it will have is roughly like Java_my_package_MyClass_myMethod. Another thing to note is that underscores in any of the Java names will be translated into the symbol name as _1.

For JNI a good way to make sure the name of the function in the native library is correct, is to regenerate the header file for the class with the method that fails to link (using javac -h <path>) and check to make sure that the function name in the header file matches the function name of the implementation (in the .c/.cpp file).

Since the function name is derived from the package, class, and method name, moving the class to a different package, or renaming the package, class, or method, are all things that can make the name that the JVM expects go out of sync with the name of the function in the library.

Another way to check which symbol the JVM is looking for, is with the -Xlog:library=info VM option (added in JDK 15). This will print out messages about which symbols the JVM tries to look up. Such as this:

[0.622s][info][library] Failed to find Java_my_package_MyClass_myMethod in library with handle 0x00007ff8a24f0000

These log messages can also be used to check the name of the function that the JVM is looking for.

2b. The function is not exported

A second reason why a function might not be found inside the library, even if the function name is correct, is because the function is not exported from the library. For instance on Windows, using the MSVC compiler, it is important to declare functions that need to be accessible from outside of the library with __declspec(dllexport).

For JNI the JNIEXPORT macro can be used for this, which will do the right thing. This macro will automatically be included in the function declaration generated by javac -h.

Checking that the function you’re trying to call is exported becomes more important if you’re working with the Foreign Linker API, since the function in the library is likely not declared with JNIEXPORT.

Listing the functions in a native library

There are several tools that can be used to check which functions are contained in a native library, which can be useful to debug one of the above problems.

  • On Windows, the dumpbin tool that comes with visual studio can be used with the /EXPORTS flag to print out exported symbols. The Dependencies tool, which also has a GUI, can also be used.
  • On Linux the nm tool can be used to print out the symbols in a library.
  • On Mac, I believe otool can be used (but I have no experience using this).

2c. The wrong library was loaded

Finally, if a symbol can not be found inside a library, but the symbol name is correct, and it is exported from the library, it might be because the wrong library is being loaded.

This can happen for instance because there are 2 versions of the same library found on the java.library.path, and the wrong one is being picked up. Or because the library that you’re trying to load has the same name as one of the libraries bundled with the JDK (such as attach).

Again the -Xlog:library=info VM flag comes to our rescue, because it also prints out information about which libraries are being loaded, such as:

[0.066s][info][library] Loaded library C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-18\bin\jimage.dll, handle 0x00007ff8bfc00000

If the library you’re trying to use is loaded, but the path in the loading message is not what you expected, it’s likely that the wrong library file is being loaded.

In the case that the same library is found multiple times on the java.library.path one solution is to remove the directories with the incorrect library files from the java.library.path, or to remove those library files.

If this is not practical because something else needs those library paths or files (such as the JVM itself, in the case it is a library bundled with the JVM), it might be possible to rename the library you’re trying to use instead, so that the name no longer conflicts with others.

If both changing the library path, or changing the name of the library are not an option, then you could finally manually construct the absolute path of the library you’re trying to use, and use System.load(String) to load the library directly.

Thanks for reading